It is a 20 mile (32 km) round trip hike from the Hilltop Trailhead in/down to the Campground entrance and then back out/up to the Hilltop Trailhead.
It is a rocky and sandy desert trail with a total round trip elevation change of nearly one mile.
That is TWO Empire State Buildings (meaning it is like climbing down the Empire State Building from the top to the bottom TWICE in a row - and then doing the same thing back up).
Plan on 4-6 hours for the hike in and 5-7 hours for the hike out.
Mules and horses ALWAYS have the right of way and can quickly catch up to the average hiker. Be alert and be aware of your surroundings so you don’t get run over.
While on the steep switchback sections of the trail, step to the inside (the wall side of the trail that is away from the edge), remain quiet and still, and give the mules and horses plenty of time and space to safely pass.
Amplified music is NOT permitted and music via headphones is NOT recommended as you would then not be able to hear mules and horses approaching.
The section of trail between the Hilltop Trailhead and the Village of Supai is closed each night between sunset and 5:00 a.m.
Night hiking is extremely dangerous and is NOT permitted.
Early morning hiking is recommended, especially during the hot summer months to avoid the peak heat of the day.
During the hottest times of the year it is recommended to start the hike from the Campground to the Village as early as 2:00 a.m. in order to reach the Village by 4:00 a.m. and get an early start on the next long section of trail back to the Hilltop Trailhead.
- Carry a minimum of one gallon (3.5 liters) of water per person on the hike in and out.
- Water is NOT available at the trailhead and is NOT available along the trail.
- Drinking water is available in the Village of Supai at the Cafe, Store, and Lodge.
- Drinking water is also available at Fern Spring in the Campground. It is recommended that water be filtered if taken from the creek or spring before drinking or using for cooking.
- Keep your group together at all times and do not hike alone. Hike only on permitted trails and do NOT take side canyons or explore old mine shafts or caves as they are extremely dangerous. Pay attention to ""unstable ground"" warning signs.
The residential areas and trails of the Village of Supai are restricted areas, and photos of Havasupai people and property are NOT permitted. Thank you for respecting the privacy of Tribal members.
There is only ONE name on a Campground Reservation - and a reservation is only valid if the person named on the reservation (the Trip Leader) is present at the Tourist Check-in Office with valid photo ID - otherwise the reservation is NOT valid and will NOT be honored. Each reservation must have a unique trip leader.
Bring a printed copy of your Campground Reservation confirmation. Be sure to also write down (or take a photo of) the license plate number of your vehicle that is parked at the trailhead - you will need it when you check in.
If you are the Trip Leader, you will be able to check in with your photo ID and get the wristbands (permits) for everyone on your reservation. No one is permitted to proceed past the Village without a wristband, so it is your responsibility to make sure that everyone in your group has one before proceeding. That means that if the reservation is in your name and you arrive first, you must wait for everyone else on your reservation to arrive before proceeding further - and, if you arrive last, everyone else on your reservation must wait for you to arrive before proceeding further.
Camping is NOT permitted anywhere other than in the actual Campground. This includes sleeping in your car at the trailhead.